Monday, May 5, 2008

Life's Little Circles

Had lunch with a friend today. She's a new friend, and comes to town once a year from Washington to stay with her son and daughter-in-law. I've always enjoyed her when we see the 3 of them, and determined to have a one-on-one with her before she left to go back up north. Today was the day. The first 2 places we tried were closed on Monday (how dare they!) so we kept driving and talking.

She lives in the small rural town of Linden, and since I really don't know much about her, she began to tell me her "story." Soon the name of Collingridge came up. Now I have an Uncle Ned Collingridge who is the last of that generation on my mom's side of the family, since her last sister died in March. Aunt Genevieve had been in the Navy during WWII and I always remember how spiffy she looked in her uniform. It was a full military funeral complete with flag draped coffin and taps. Some of my cousins asked if I knew the whereabouts of any of Uncle Ned's kids. I didn't, but told them the last I had heard from Uncle Ned, he said his wife, Aunt Gingy went to sleep a year ago October one night, and woke up in heaven! He was shocked, but happy for her. My cousins did not know that, so we talked quite a bit about the Collingridge family.

Well, when my friend used the name, I told her I had an uncle named Ned Collingridge, who was married to my mom's sister. She about fainted. It seems he gave her away at her wedding 45+ years ago. She spoke so warmly about him. Amazing. I had just been talking about him with my cousins.

Dropped my friend off at home, stopped at the mailbox when I arrived at home, and could not believe it when there was a letter from Uncle Ned in the mail! He was responding to my Christmas letter, and apologized for being so remiss. He will be 90 in September, still drives his car, teaches and preaches all the time, and lives alone in a mobile home park. Next he told all about his family, all serving the Lord, and some on the mission field.

Lastly, he signed it with not only his name, but his e-mail address! I think I'll stop now and send him an e-mail to see if he remembers my friend from Washington. Probably does!

Such a nice little life circle today - I can't stand it.


julie martin said...

wow mom! it is a small world indeed! i don't think i ever heard you mention uncle ned collingridge. how amazing that he is still alive and that he still drives and has email! sounds a lot like grandpa keith!

RICH said...

So, look what I found! A Blog by a cousin. A cousin I hardly know, who has kids I don't know at all!! Neat! Rich Collingridge