Friday, May 2, 2008

This Little Piggy

Found a yellow sticky on my desk that wasn't anymore. Sticky, that is. It's been around so long, but I just can't bear to throw it away! We've been on borrowed time so long, but a lot of great things have happened since the Dr. said to go home and get your affairs in order. Knowing that the prognosis for metastasized prostate cancer is 24 - 32 months, we took him seriously. But that was in 1989, and this is 2008. Unbelievable!

Life can get very - daily, you know. And the days do flow together with sometimes not much to distinguish one from another.

One day I needed to go to the market and usually left a note somewhere so Don could know where I was and when I would be back. Grabbed the closest sticky pad and feeling a little impish left him a note that said:
"This little piggy went to market."
signed it with a big smiley heart.
All through Vons, I wondered if he would find my note. Would he respond? How would it make him feel? Sometimes a cheerful heart too early in the morning, when you are in pain (as he is a lot) it's not very funny.

I needn't have worried. I found his response on the sticky when I got home.
"This little piggy loves the other little piggy BIG TIME."

Now each day when we wake up we say we have another day to praise the Lord, and another day to love each other. Our days are already numbered, and only He knows what the number is. But I'll take all the sticky notes like that that I can get along the way!

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