Monday, June 16, 2008

The Window Guy

Our "window guy" was here today. It's always such a treat to have clean windows, but the greater treat is to fellowship with Mark in the cracks of time that occur throughout the day. We have a lot of history (and a lot of windows), this window guy and us.

His favorite window story happened right after we had some skylights installed, and he was on the roof washing the top side. As he stepped over the edge of the roof, his ladder slipped into the pool and he was stranded with his legs dangling. Thank goodness for cell phones, AND a good memory! We got a frantic call from him saying he was on the roof, and needed our help to fish his ladder out of the pool so he could get down. He said today that our number is the only one he knows by heart so now I think he will never forget it.

Mark was in the same class with our oldest daughter in high school, we loaned him a car to drive his girlfriend to the senior prom, I helped him with his wedding so long ago at Grace Brethren, he has followed all our kids, and grandkids, as they have passed through life, he has shared the many and diverse "detours" on his life's journey including the death of a son in an automobile accident. Sometimes I think I follow him around just because I enjoy the conversation, and there's always a LOT of conversation with Mark!

Today was no different. We first got to talking about the Russian school. I told him the proposed budget figure for the next school year was really stretching our thinking AND our faith. But it has been such a God thing all the way along, and now we were just going to have to learn a little more about trust.

As he moved into the computer room, he noticed all my Red Hat stuff on a shelf, including a painting that Levi, our son-in-law, had painted for the cover of a book I had written, so convinced that it would be such a best seller in the Red Hat Society venue that we would be able to support the school. Didn't happen. Don and I had gifted some appreciated property into a small Foundation in hopes that the income from the gift would support the school. Didn't happen. We finally had to go into the principle and that's almost gone now. Little by little, we have come to realize that we need to depend on God and God alone.

Some amazing funding miracles have taken place over the years, as we saw God supply needs over and over again for the purchase of a two story, eleven-classroom building, and the rehab of that old building which used to indoctrinate children in Communism. Now it houses about 100 students for kindergarten, and grades 2 and 3, plus after school activities including computers, Bible, Christian Ethics, martial arts, and has really become a community center for after school activities. Don't know how long the Russian govenrment will allow us to continue.

Mark wanted to see my book, so as he looked at it, I explained that ALL the funds go directly to Russia, and I often sold the books for $15 at Red Hat Society functions. He said he didn't have $15, but would leave $20 if he could have a book. So I signed the book, and praised the Lord! Now the Window Guy has a part in what is happening in Gorodishi, Russia.

Right after lunch, Don needed to rest, and loves it when I read to him. We always start our reading with the Bible, so we lay on the bed as I read from the One Year Chronological Bible. Mark was doing the master bedroom about this time, and I told him he would just have to listen! That was fine with him.

During the reading we came to this passage: June 13, II Chronicles 20:15 ff

"This is what the LORD says: Do not be afraid! Don't be discouraged by this mighty army [huge budget need], for the battle is not yours, but God's. [I looked over at Don and he was sound asleep by this time.] But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then STAND STILL and watch the LORD's victory. [Emphasis mine.] He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem [and Whittier]. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out there tomorrow, for the LORD is with you!"

My job was done. Don was sleeping peacefully. I left the room quietly, very moved by what God was saying to me.

The window guy was doing the family room doors when I passed by, and I shared with him what had just happened. Little did I know something was happening at another level, too.

Mark said, as he touched my arm, "I could hardly leave the room without crying as I saw you two there reading scripture on the bed. That was really special and will stay with me a long time!" Then he told me that about 4 visits ago, seeing Don's decline, he had purposed in his heart to tell Don what his example had meant in his own life, and how he had been impacted by knowing Don.

Mark kept saying, "And that was 4 visits ago!" He may have been unsure if Don would be here on his next visit. We don't know how much time we have. Only God knows that. Neither one of us could believe it had been 19 years since we had been given 24 - 32 months. Didn't we all think Tim Russert would be around a lot longer?

So God is at work on many levels, not wasting anything - good or bad - that comeas into our lives. What He is teaching us today is that He is in control, and He not only is in the battle, it's His battle. We just need to take our positions, STAND STILL and watch the LORD's victory.

Sure takes the stress out of things, doesn't it! And I think I'll read that passage again to Don when he is awake!


Unknown said...

Mark, "the window guy", did our windows a few years ago. Sadly, I just led him into our house, showed him all our mirrors and glass surfaces, then left him to his task as I hurried off to work. Busy lives don't always allow for great fellowship - sorry I missed out. Thanks for sharing your blog!

julie martin said...

my alan was mark the window guy's best man many years ago! he ran cross country with mark, and they formed a good friendship. great to hear about the richness of your days in spite of their limitations, mom. i love you.

Paula said...

Jean, I'm enjoying your writings so much. Your wit, your way with words and your walk with God are an inspiration. Since I've heard you read in class I hear you reading as I read and it makes it so much more personal somehow.