Sunday, June 8, 2008

Mother's Day Memories

Mother's Day is not in the too distant past, and I just can't believe how lingering its impressions are for me this year. Now, I've been a mother for almost 49 years, and there have been some memorable celebrations. I'll never forget the first one. Our Lori was born in October, so by May she was already a few months old. This was in the days when all kinds of awards were given at church on Sunday morning. The oldest mother, the mother with the most children, the youngest mother, the newest mother, and whatever else they could think up. Some ladies got the same awards year after year, and I don't think churches do that anymore. At least our doesn't.

Well, I got the award for the youngest mother. The thing that made it so memorable to me was my sister's reaction.
"You, Jean? You were the youngest mother?"
"Yes," I answered feeling a little unworthy because I was 23 after all, and that wasn't all that young for a first time mom in those days.

Then I remember the first Mother's Day without my mother. It seemed so strange not to buy her a card or plan dinner for her, but the baton was passed to my children and since then there has always been a lovely invitation each Mother's Day.

This year was different. Don did not intend to go to church with me, because he had had a very difficult night, and needed to rest for the dinner at Julie's house. That was a priority. I got up, showered, quietly checked on him, and since he was so soundly asleep, I decided to slip out to go to second service.

I got to the car and started the engine, when I heard my name.


I looked back by the door, and there was Don. Serious bed head, undershirt peeking out underneath his pajama tops, barefoot, leaning on the doorjamb for support!

"I just didn't want you to get away without a "Happy Mother's Day" from me."

So here was this dear man who made me a mother in the first place, shared the next 49 years with me welcoming 2 more children, our dear Julie and precious Tim, wanting me to start my day with a good wish from him! How dear is that!

I've always believed that the primary relationship in life is husband and wife, and here we are. All the kids have left home, the dog died, and we still have each other! Each day now, when we wake up, I say to Don, "We have another day to praise the Lord, and love each other!" We're better friends now than when we had all that "stuff" to do, places to go, and people to see. We even have time for coffee on the patio any day we want. But sometimes we still have to plan it, and make it a priority or something else creeps in.

God is good, life is good, this is a special time in our lives. It was a very Happy Mother's Day!


LaVonne said...

Finally am able to read your blog. I just finished reading your most current one on Mother's Day. I found it so touching that it brought tears. I think that Julie got your writing gene! I agree - God is good!

julie martin said...

you and dad are helping to teach me to be thankful for each and every day, and to love each other well, for it may be our last.

Deb said...

I found your blog today and I am grateful to Jesus for allowing me to find you!

You and Papa have ALWAYS been such an inspiration to me in my marriage. I have tears as I read your Mothers Day Memories! And I am blessed to hear that you are still enjoying each other to the hilt. I love you and am praying for you and Papa. Love, Debi Curtis Reno (aka Ferba)