Monday, March 31, 2008

How did this happen?

I just don't know how this happened! Just a few clicks, and drop down menus, and they tell me I have a blog? Now I suppose I'll have to spend time writing things. Anyway, it was almost more than I could stand when the drop down menu had dozens of things to characterize my life, and none of them fit! Retired wasn't one of the options! Neither was Grandmother! At this stage of my life, I just hang around being a child of God. That wasn't on the list either! When I first resigned my job as Reading Specialist at Whittier Christian School, I worried about what I would say when someone asked, "What do you do?" Then I thought of a real clever answer (or so I thought).

I would tell everyone I was in Management! I manage to get up in the morning. I manage to go out to lunch with my friends. I manage to get to the mall now and then, and the rest of the time, I manage to give my husband a whole lot of trouble.

But nobody asked! And so, I still just hang around being a child of God.

The exterminator came to the door the other day. It was the day for his regular service, and Mike is a really nice guy. He always asks about "the Mister" because he knows he's on oxygen 24/7 and I sense that he really is concerned. But this day, I told him we were really concerned about our oldest daughter who is battling a chiari malformation which causes major headaches.

Mike used the Lord's name as an expletive, and since he brought Him up, I responded, that yes, that is exactly who we needed. So I camped on the name of Jesus Christ saying that I could hardly wait to see Him. I asked Mike if he knew where he would go at the end of his life, and we were off on a major discussion of whether our goodness counts, or if it is the blood of Jesus. Mike says he is a good person, and I have no doubt he is. But there is only one way - Jesus. All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. Mike listened politely, but soon had to get to work.

I can't report any miraculous conversion or anything, but if God is calling Mike, maybe our conversation was a little water on the soil of his heart to soften it toward the gospel.

God knows about Mike, and maybe just that little encounter is what is meant by just hanging around being a child of God.


julie martin said...

you're an accidental blogger! i'm so glad! sometimes that's how God brings good things into our lives. welcome to the blogging world, mom. i look forward to reading your thoughts.

itsmepollyb said...

Thanks for the inspiration when people in my own life refer to "Jesus" or "God" in ways that aren't very Christian. I was wondering just the last week whether to address it in good humor or just let it time I'll follow your example.

natalie said...

i'm so excited you have a blog! welcome! i remember sitting at your kitchen table once and you reading me something you had written about julie's wedding. i cried and cried. no pressure or anything, but i look forward to reading your words! and management...i thought you were going to go toward managing a household...which is just what i might say from now on!

Sand and Paint said...

Welcome "accidental" blogger. It was fun reading your words. I look forward to reading more. Just think 10 years ago who knew that there would be something called blogging. Management... I think I'll use that one. If you don't mind :)

Cope and Sandy said...

I love to read your wisdom and humor...write a book-please!