Monday, June 16, 2008

The Window Guy

Our "window guy" was here today. It's always such a treat to have clean windows, but the greater treat is to fellowship with Mark in the cracks of time that occur throughout the day. We have a lot of history (and a lot of windows), this window guy and us.

His favorite window story happened right after we had some skylights installed, and he was on the roof washing the top side. As he stepped over the edge of the roof, his ladder slipped into the pool and he was stranded with his legs dangling. Thank goodness for cell phones, AND a good memory! We got a frantic call from him saying he was on the roof, and needed our help to fish his ladder out of the pool so he could get down. He said today that our number is the only one he knows by heart so now I think he will never forget it.

Mark was in the same class with our oldest daughter in high school, we loaned him a car to drive his girlfriend to the senior prom, I helped him with his wedding so long ago at Grace Brethren, he has followed all our kids, and grandkids, as they have passed through life, he has shared the many and diverse "detours" on his life's journey including the death of a son in an automobile accident. Sometimes I think I follow him around just because I enjoy the conversation, and there's always a LOT of conversation with Mark!

Today was no different. We first got to talking about the Russian school. I told him the proposed budget figure for the next school year was really stretching our thinking AND our faith. But it has been such a God thing all the way along, and now we were just going to have to learn a little more about trust.

As he moved into the computer room, he noticed all my Red Hat stuff on a shelf, including a painting that Levi, our son-in-law, had painted for the cover of a book I had written, so convinced that it would be such a best seller in the Red Hat Society venue that we would be able to support the school. Didn't happen. Don and I had gifted some appreciated property into a small Foundation in hopes that the income from the gift would support the school. Didn't happen. We finally had to go into the principle and that's almost gone now. Little by little, we have come to realize that we need to depend on God and God alone.

Some amazing funding miracles have taken place over the years, as we saw God supply needs over and over again for the purchase of a two story, eleven-classroom building, and the rehab of that old building which used to indoctrinate children in Communism. Now it houses about 100 students for kindergarten, and grades 2 and 3, plus after school activities including computers, Bible, Christian Ethics, martial arts, and has really become a community center for after school activities. Don't know how long the Russian govenrment will allow us to continue.

Mark wanted to see my book, so as he looked at it, I explained that ALL the funds go directly to Russia, and I often sold the books for $15 at Red Hat Society functions. He said he didn't have $15, but would leave $20 if he could have a book. So I signed the book, and praised the Lord! Now the Window Guy has a part in what is happening in Gorodishi, Russia.

Right after lunch, Don needed to rest, and loves it when I read to him. We always start our reading with the Bible, so we lay on the bed as I read from the One Year Chronological Bible. Mark was doing the master bedroom about this time, and I told him he would just have to listen! That was fine with him.

During the reading we came to this passage: June 13, II Chronicles 20:15 ff

"This is what the LORD says: Do not be afraid! Don't be discouraged by this mighty army [huge budget need], for the battle is not yours, but God's. [I looked over at Don and he was sound asleep by this time.] But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then STAND STILL and watch the LORD's victory. [Emphasis mine.] He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem [and Whittier]. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out there tomorrow, for the LORD is with you!"

My job was done. Don was sleeping peacefully. I left the room quietly, very moved by what God was saying to me.

The window guy was doing the family room doors when I passed by, and I shared with him what had just happened. Little did I know something was happening at another level, too.

Mark said, as he touched my arm, "I could hardly leave the room without crying as I saw you two there reading scripture on the bed. That was really special and will stay with me a long time!" Then he told me that about 4 visits ago, seeing Don's decline, he had purposed in his heart to tell Don what his example had meant in his own life, and how he had been impacted by knowing Don.

Mark kept saying, "And that was 4 visits ago!" He may have been unsure if Don would be here on his next visit. We don't know how much time we have. Only God knows that. Neither one of us could believe it had been 19 years since we had been given 24 - 32 months. Didn't we all think Tim Russert would be around a lot longer?

So God is at work on many levels, not wasting anything - good or bad - that comeas into our lives. What He is teaching us today is that He is in control, and He not only is in the battle, it's His battle. We just need to take our positions, STAND STILL and watch the LORD's victory.

Sure takes the stress out of things, doesn't it! And I think I'll read that passage again to Don when he is awake!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Busted! I got busted - at church no less! When will I learn? Every time I think I have something really learned, or a truth really appropriated, I get busted.

All my life I've heard "Pride goes before a fall." Spiritual pride has always been a struggle for me, especially since I was raised in a very externals oriented church where we thought we had things down just the way God intended. There was nothing wrong about the practices and ordinances of our church, but in me, it allowed for a lot of spiritual pride in thinking we had things figured out just a little bit better than everyone else.

Well, my friend and I were talking the other day about how much alike we are. We like a lot of the same things, we think alike, and we've decided that we must be sisters, and are just now figuring that out! We've only been good friends for about a year and a half, but never have I felt so bonded so quickly to a friend who started out as a casual acquaintance. It was when she lost her husband that I reached out to her, and the rest is history.

Recently she mentioned that she was a little rebellious - not in a horrible way, just not a goody-two-shoes type of person. I was always a "good girl" having my rebellious spirit spanked out of me at an early age. Well, not all that early! So I told her that was probably one way we were a little different. BIG MISTAKE!

You all know the verses, Prov. 8:13, 11:2, 16:18, 29:23. After all, PRIDE -that was Satan's sin - the worst of all.

Sunday, I was running just a little late to church, but opted to try for a parking space in the lot. After a slow drive through the aisles and not finding anything, I looked at my watch to see if there was time to ride the shuttle. Nope. Too late.

Then I spotted a pretty good 1/2 space with slash marks right across from the kiosk, out of everybody's way, and whipped in there, unbuckled my seat belt, slammed the door, and as I turned back to lock the car with the remote, I saw it:

Big sign: Park only in marked spaces.

Now what do I do? I'm not rebellious, right? I like to keep the rules, right?
I turned around and kept walking. Hoped no one would see me getting into my car after church.

The message was so good I didn't really think about it much during the service, but afterward, on my way out, I remembered.

The closer I got to my car the more worried I became when I saw three strong, young, BIG guys standing right by my front fender underneath the sign.

I threw up my hands, picked up my pace, and called out to them, "I'm busted! I know it! I shouldn't have done it!"

"What are you talking about?" they answered in unison, as I pointed out the sign to them.

"Oh, we weren't paying any attention to that! We were just talking!" I don't think they even knew it was there.

Again I was reminded that God is not finished with me yet. He's in the business of conforming me to the image of His Son, and it's hard. He's got a big job on His hands. It seems as if whenever I think I have something to be proud about, God taps me on the shoulder, and reminds me that He is still working on me. My trust is that someday I shall be like Him for I shall see Him face to face. Until then I need to cooperate with Him when He gives me those taps. To think that He cares and does that, makes me very humble!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Mother's Day Memories

Mother's Day is not in the too distant past, and I just can't believe how lingering its impressions are for me this year. Now, I've been a mother for almost 49 years, and there have been some memorable celebrations. I'll never forget the first one. Our Lori was born in October, so by May she was already a few months old. This was in the days when all kinds of awards were given at church on Sunday morning. The oldest mother, the mother with the most children, the youngest mother, the newest mother, and whatever else they could think up. Some ladies got the same awards year after year, and I don't think churches do that anymore. At least our doesn't.

Well, I got the award for the youngest mother. The thing that made it so memorable to me was my sister's reaction.
"You, Jean? You were the youngest mother?"
"Yes," I answered feeling a little unworthy because I was 23 after all, and that wasn't all that young for a first time mom in those days.

Then I remember the first Mother's Day without my mother. It seemed so strange not to buy her a card or plan dinner for her, but the baton was passed to my children and since then there has always been a lovely invitation each Mother's Day.

This year was different. Don did not intend to go to church with me, because he had had a very difficult night, and needed to rest for the dinner at Julie's house. That was a priority. I got up, showered, quietly checked on him, and since he was so soundly asleep, I decided to slip out to go to second service.

I got to the car and started the engine, when I heard my name.


I looked back by the door, and there was Don. Serious bed head, undershirt peeking out underneath his pajama tops, barefoot, leaning on the doorjamb for support!

"I just didn't want you to get away without a "Happy Mother's Day" from me."

So here was this dear man who made me a mother in the first place, shared the next 49 years with me welcoming 2 more children, our dear Julie and precious Tim, wanting me to start my day with a good wish from him! How dear is that!

I've always believed that the primary relationship in life is husband and wife, and here we are. All the kids have left home, the dog died, and we still have each other! Each day now, when we wake up, I say to Don, "We have another day to praise the Lord, and love each other!" We're better friends now than when we had all that "stuff" to do, places to go, and people to see. We even have time for coffee on the patio any day we want. But sometimes we still have to plan it, and make it a priority or something else creeps in.

God is good, life is good, this is a special time in our lives. It was a very Happy Mother's Day!